Pluralism Care Movement
Fight Against

"International Burning Quran Day"


Recently, religious communities throughout the world are very disturbed by the provocation from Dove World Outreach Center, based in Florida, USA. This non-denomination group led by Senior Pastor Dr. Terry and Sylvia Jones, on behalf of Christianity has been campaigning the International Burn a Koran Day on the coming commemoration of 9 years WTC Tragedy (9/11) in their webpage and Facebook. For us, the campaign and provocation of Pastor Dr. Terry and Sylvia Jones are very ignoble, uncivilized, and deserve critique.
The campaign and plan of Dove World Outreach Center are clearly abusive actions toward Islam, a violation towards freedom of religion as well as towards International Declaration about HUMAN RIGHTS.
Responding to this condition, Pluralism Care Movement state that:
1. We fulminate against Dove World Outreach Center's plan to burn Al-Quran in USA.
2. We ask Dove World Outreach Center to immediately withdraw their statement and call off the ignoble plan that put other religions in contempt.
3. United States government to immediately cease Dove World Outreach Center vile plan as the action is not only violating the human rights but could also trigger heated situations and conflicts between religious people throughout the world.
4. We urge all parties not to follow the appeal from Dove World Outreach Center.
5. We appeal that all people, including religious people in Indonesia, not to be trapped in anarchist actions like this, which shows uncivilized behavior.
6. Indonesian government to continue facilitating betterment towards religious freedom in Indonesia; and spur Indonesian people to maintain peace and harmony among all religious people in Indonesia, entering Ramadan - the Fasting Month.

Salemba, 4th August 2010
Head Office of Communion of Churches in Indonesia
We who stated: Communion of Churches in Indonesia, Pluralism Care Movement, Inter-Religion Forum, Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia, MATAKIN, Maarif Institute, Wahid Institute, Forum Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama, Masyarakat Dialog Antar Agama, Moderator Muslim Society, DPP Gerakan Angkatan Muda Kristen Indonesia (GAMKI), Pengurus Pusat Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia (PP GMKI) Mr. Djohan Effendi, Mr. Bungaran Saragih, Damien Dematra, Pdt. DR. Albertus Patty, Mr. A. Wahid Maryanto, DR. KH Nuril Arifin Husein, MBA, Zuhairi Misrawi, Fajar Riza Ul Haq, Pdt. Henry Lokra, Jeirry Sumampouw, Judith Tompah, Dr. Eggy Sudjana, Pong Hardjatmo, Dr. Julia Satari, etc.

Please support facebook group: Fight Against "International Burn Al-Quran Day"
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